Men’s Group

Men’s Group
Dates: June 12
Time: 8PM

The Men’s Group is a space for men to talk, listen, and tap into our collective wisdom. The circle begins with a short practice like sound meditation or pranayama to create space for listening and ground us into the group. We then open up the circle and invite you to share whatever is coming up for you. The intention is to cultivate a space for vulnerability, honesty, and freedom to express yourself without fear of condemnation. You would also be holding space for other men as they speak and listen without judgement.

Being a man is a form that we take collectively in this world. It wasn’t something that was taught to most of us. So, what is it really to be a man? How do you incorporate the masculine and feminine into this form? What challenges do you face? One way to study this form is to observe how it shows up in the collective. The idea of this Men’s Group is to together, cultivate a space for all aspects of man and his wisdom to reveal itself. We together hold space and fill it with our expression.

Registration not required, just show up. In-person only.

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